SIGN Funding report and next steps

As part of this project, Stefano and I received some funding from the Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) between March 2022 and March 2023. This came through Stefano’s work at Leeds Trinity University, prior to him moving to Ireland. 

This funding enabled us to pay for some technical support from Florian with Korsakow and from Ru with Stornaway, to help us to conclude our first project on ‘What does polyphony mean to you?’ and to start our second intervention on ‘Extreme heat’. 

It also paid for Stefano and I to allocate a limited amount of time to orchestrating the project. Given our various Faculty commitments, this was much appreciated and was a huge help in keeping the project going, for which we are very grateful. 

We wrote a report on what was achieved, which is available to download here

We now need to find the time to conclude our second project, which involves several members of the group who are as busy and strapped for time as us. We will find a way, however, because we are proud of what we achieved and have a lot to say about what we have learnt, so keep watching this space!

The next step will be to start considering how we can apply what we’ve learnt to wider contexts beyond the i-Docs community from which this project has grown. Co-creation within a shared community of common interest is one thing but what happens when we take these ideas out to settings in which our intentions and methods are less familiar?

Will wider communities find our methods useful, can we use them as an elicitation technique to start dialogue across different perspectives and points of view, how might we adapt them in response to feedback received, and where might they have the most traction in terms of ongoing impact?

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